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Author Topic: My 360... {TOPIC HIJACKED?}  (Read 39735 times)

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« on: November 06, 2008, 05:55:52 pm »
(seeing as how this is gaming-related [or at least gaming system-related], this is the best place I could think to put this)

I have no idea what is going on, but I think my 360 might RRoD any day now.  Why?  Read below.

This is how the start of Aquatic Base looks like in Sonic06 on a normal display.

This is the exact same location with the problem I'm having.


Now, before anyone says "well u broked ur 360 playing lolsonic06", I should let you know that I wasn't playing Sonic06 when I first encountered this issue.  I was playing Rock Band 2 (and the song "Still Alive", which is the end theme to Portal [which I beat recently]).  Right at the beginning of the mentioned song, the display started to ask all screwy.  Some lines began to appear, so I thought it was a disc issue.  After returning to the dashboard and finding that the display remained screwy, I reset the 360.  I resumed what I was doing before and the problem returned, but worse than before.  I read through's support page about an unclear image and did everything they said to do, but this issue kept returning (twice, the lines appeared right when the 360 logo appeared on boot).  It did this several times in Rock Band 2, once in Portal (specifically, Portal: Still Alive), once in the CoD5 multiplayer beta, and every time I tried to play Sonic06.  Sonic06 was the worst one, since the second image above was what resulted from it (which meant it was pretty much unplayable).  I personally think that GLaDOS is getting her revenge for me killing her over and over at the end of Portal (since it happened when playing the end theme to Portal).

Is this a sign my 360 is about to RRoD? :(
« Last Edit: December 20, 2008, 08:02:28 pm by Groudon »

Offline Aitamen

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Re: My 360...
« Reply #1 on: November 06, 2008, 06:01:43 pm »
Is your 360 modded/chipped?  If it is, I might be able to help a little more...

if not, I can't help you, give XBLOCK a call... their customer support usually isn't that bad, especially if you're an XBL player...

also, does this happen on this particular TV, or perhaps it's the AV jacks themselves?

Isolate the problem before calling XBLOCK...  saves a lot of time
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Offline Alondite

Re: My 360...
« Reply #2 on: November 06, 2008, 06:04:39 pm »
Are your video cables the problem? Have you tried another set of cables? I would do that before I try anything else. I've had similar problems with my GCN due to a bad cable connection/bad cables.

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Re: My 360...
« Reply #3 on: November 06, 2008, 06:04:58 pm »
The only "modding" I've done to my 360 is replacing the front faceplate.  It also happens on every TV I try it on.  The AV cables are the only things that might be wrong, but they hadn't been removed from the front of the TV in about a month.  I also don't have anything else I can use in place of the ones I currently have.

Offline flying fox

Re: My 360...
« Reply #4 on: November 06, 2008, 06:49:15 pm »
I know I don't talk in forums a lot but seeing the before and after picture of your Sonic 06 I just had post in.

I too had the same problem as you. I was playing Sonic 06 Wave Ocean as Sonic and all of a sudden the screen went green (ok not yellow but I think it may be the same problem you have now). Anyway, after a while I got the ring of death as they like to call it and an E64 error. Then pretty soon after that I got 4 red lights and an E74 error message. To cut a long story short it died and I had to buy a new one.

I would recommend trying to change your cables just in case but I'm pretty sure it won't work. I hope I'm wrong but yeah expect a ring of death soon sorry :(
« Last Edit: November 06, 2008, 08:21:16 pm by Flying Fox »

Offline Groudon

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Re: My 360...
« Reply #5 on: November 06, 2008, 06:58:58 pm »
4 red lights means the AV cable isn't connected properly or isn't being detected.

Actually, that's the same issue on Wave Ocean on my end (and the sky is pink-ish).  Seeing as how you have had the exact same issue, I guess I have no choice but to wait for the RRoD :(

It couldn't have happened at a worse time, too.  At least it's still within the warranty period.

Offline ChaoRC

Re: My 360...
« Reply #6 on: November 06, 2008, 07:13:52 pm »
This might be able to help. Doing these tricks now before it RRoD's could prevent it from getting it. They come with complications, though.

Well when I was first started searching for a fix for my Xbox 360 RROD I was overwhelmed by all of the information out there. There are a gazillion sites, each hawking their instructions (typically $ can get them free) and then there are the multitudes of youtube videos claiming to have found the miracle cure. The three that I am going to review are what appear to be the most popular (and sometimes most ridiculous).

Number #1 - The Towel Trick - It goes something like this: You take the hard drive off, wrap the entire unit in a towel to prevent the excess heat from escaping, turn the console on for about 15 minutes to cook (some instructions recommend 1 hour), shut it down, unplug it for an hour, plug it back in and like magic it works. But why? I haven't heard a decent explanation yet. Here is one of the explanations..."the unit gets so hot that it melts the solder that was cracking to the cause the red lights in the first place"..... Here are a couple of potential hazards as pointed out in the same instructions "could potentially damage other parts of the Xbox".... "The unit could catch on fire it gets so hot". I have to say I am going to rate this as the 2nd most ridiculous fix of the three in consideration. Recommendation: Do not use this fix.

Number #2 - The Ice Bath - I don't even want to explain how to do this. Essentially, a rubbermaid tub is filled with ice water, some vinegar is added, the Xbox 360 is unplugged and submerged in the water/vinegar mixture. After so many minutes the console is removed, drained of water and immediately plugged back in. Need I say more. I actually heard of a kid who attempted this and was severely shocked. This as so many other fixes was presented as a youtube video. It is really quite irresponsible and should be removed. This fix is the most ridiculous fix of the three in consideration. Recommendation: Do not even think about using this fix if you value your life.

Number #3 - X-Clamp Fix - This is the only legitimate fix I have found thus far. It is as permanent as it gets. Do not use it however if your Xbox 360 is still under warranty. Send the console back to Microsoft and let them honor the warranty. However, if the seal is broken and/or it isn't under warranty this fix is your best bet. This is the fix in a nutshell; you open up the console, remove the x-clamps, clean up the old thermal paste, put new thermal paste on, replace the x-clamps with screws and washers, reassemble the unit, overheat, let it cool down and it works on approximately 90% of the units. Recommendation: Use this fix.

For FREE video instructions on how to install the X-clamp fix visit You can also get the x-clamp repair kit there. Good luck and good gaming.

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Re: My 360...
« Reply #7 on: November 06, 2008, 07:18:11 pm »
Although #3 is the best one to use, my 360 is still under warranty until December 22nd.  In addition, I really don't want to open up my console even outside of its warranty.

Offline ChaoRC

Re: My 360...
« Reply #8 on: November 06, 2008, 07:24:46 pm »
I've heard about the towel trick before and seems to work pretty well. :o At least try it for about 5 mins. if you're too worried about it overheating.

And opening the unit I'd say may not be such a bad idea. As long as you make sure you put everything back the way it was so Microsoft doesn't notice. >.> Tightening the bolts tightly is the best precaution.

Offline flying fox

Re: My 360...
« Reply #9 on: November 06, 2008, 07:50:27 pm »
4 red lights means the AV cable isn't connected properly or isn't being detected.

Actually, that's the same issue on Wave Ocean on my end (and the sky is pink-ish).  Seeing as how you have had the exact same issue, I guess I have no choice but to wait for the RRoD :(

It couldn't have happened at a worse time, too.  At least it's still within the warranty period.

When this happened I tried looking up the problem and also got the AV cable isn't connected or detected thing. I was going to buy some new ones to see if that will work. Lets just say I'm glad I turned on the console again that day before I bought new ones, at least it saved me some money. The screen problem was only there about 3 or 4 times I turned on my 360 then I got the ring of death. I have a feeling you won't be waiting long for the ring of death, probably not as fast as me but... yeah :(

I did some research when my 360 got the E64 error and know about the towel trick and the clamp fix. I read that the towel trick does work but it's only a temporary fix, I wouldn't recommend it. As for the towel clamp that is the best one, it has worked for a lot people.

This is a very common problem with Xbox 360's. I read about it somewhere I wish I could find it for you.

EDIT: At least yours is still in warranty. Mine went wrong 2 months after the warranty expired :(

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Re: My 360...
« Reply #10 on: November 06, 2008, 07:57:43 pm »
The screen problem was only there about 3 or 4 times I turned on my 360 then I got the ring of death. I have a feeling you won't be waiting long for the ring of death, probably not as fast as me but... yeah :(

My best guess is it'll happen sometime over the weekend.

However, it seems the severity of this varies from game to game.  Sonic06 pretty much becomes unplayable, but only puts a damper on what you can see for other games (and doesn't even happen during Portal).

Also, I did contact Microsoft regarding what the issue might be (but it's hard to "be specific" about the problem when you have a 500-character limit) and am awaiting a response.

Offline flying fox

Re: My 360...
« Reply #11 on: November 06, 2008, 08:20:33 pm »
Yeah did the same thing contacted Microsoft, waited ages for a reply and when I did they sent me round circles. All I can say is hope you have more luck than I did :P

I just remembered what I had found out when researching about the 360. It is something to do with the scaler chip. For some strange reason after a while they stop working, I think they get burnt, thats why the 360 goes wrong. A lot (I do mean a lot) of customer reviews on the 360 say that within 12 - 14 months or less (if they are unlucky) their 360 gets the ring of death. They try to take it back to get it fixed and pay £80 - £85 (don't know what it is in dollars) or ask for a exchange only to be given another faulty 360 which also goes wrong within 12 - 14 months or less (if they are unlucky). You're just going round in circles, so many people are recommending the Wii or PS3 instead of buying the 360.

I only wish I read the reviews before I asked my Dad to buy it for me back then, I would've got a PS3 instead. Thought you might found that information useful.

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Re: My 360...
« Reply #12 on: November 06, 2008, 08:41:27 pm »
I had read about the issues regarding the 360, but also saw that the large number of issues occurred with the early consoles.  I didn't read anything about what happens when people try to get it fixed since I didn't think I would have needed to.
I actually would not mind paying $130 (when converted using current exchange rates) to have my 360 fixed if it's needed.  What I would not want is to spend $200 on a new system.

Offline flying fox

Re: My 360...
« Reply #13 on: November 06, 2008, 08:55:26 pm »
Yeah that sounds better fixing it rather buying a new one looking at the price. I had to pay £130 (about $200) for a new one it was the only option. I couldn't afford a PS3 back then and I wanted to compete in Sonic 06.

Anyway, I hope I have helped you out a bit, my mum is bugging me to get off the internet, its nearly 2:00 a.m. here in England. Good luck :D

Offline Aitamen

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Re: My 360...
« Reply #14 on: November 06, 2008, 09:58:50 pm »
Go Microsloth... another amazing failure...

I'm going to make note to buy myself a fan upgrade...
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Offline Groudon

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Re: My 360...
« Reply #15 on: November 08, 2008, 07:55:58 pm »
Brief update on the situation.

While playing Rock Band, the problem worsened and the screen was even flickering (three different types of distorted lines).  I just attempted the towel trick for a temp fix (but only applied it for 2 minutes) and will test it to see how it worked tomorrow.  Okay, 2 minutes wasn't enough.  Will try 5 tomorrow.

I also read something regarding the warranty period.

Quote from: Support
The term "Warranty Period" means: (i) as applied to the Console, a period of one year (three years for conditions that cause three lights on the ring of light on the front of the Console to flash red) starting as of the date of your sales receipt for the purchase of the Console...

So it seems that, even if it takes a long time to RRoD, I'll still be able to get it repaired if it happens.
« Last Edit: November 08, 2008, 10:43:32 pm by Groudon »

Offline Aitamen

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Re: My 360...
« Reply #16 on: November 22, 2008, 05:02:43 pm »
cool... look forward to you getting your X-block back and coming back to TSC in full force!
Year 33 — The Malkavians claim that their greatest practical joke happened during this year, when they perform a bit of graverobbing  in Jerusalem.
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Offline Nario

Re: My 360...
« Reply #17 on: November 23, 2008, 09:22:57 pm »
So it seems that, even if it takes a long time to RRoD, I'll still be able to get it repaired if it happens.
That is correct. Just keep waiting for that Red Ring! :)

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Re: My 360...
« Reply #18 on: November 24, 2008, 01:56:26 am »
The idea of energetically waiting for an RRoD is bizarre to me. Oh well, as long as the 360 gets fixed, I guess.
The moon is so red. Looks like it's going to be a fun night.

Offline GerbilSoft

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Re: My 360...
« Reply #19 on: December 08, 2008, 10:24:33 am »
The idea of energetically waiting for an RRoD is bizarre to me. Oh well, as long as the 360 gets fixed, I guess.
It's a Microsoft-ism. Kind of like how MS has made people believe that it's normal for computers to crash randomly for no reason, and that reliable software can't be written.

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Re: My 360...
« Reply #20 on: December 08, 2008, 06:36:46 pm »
What, my computer hasn't randomly crashed in um... I dunno when was the last time.

Firefox however is a different story. At least, for last week.
The moon is so red. Looks like it's going to be a fun night.

Offline Groudon

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Re: My 360...
« Reply #21 on: December 09, 2008, 02:38:19 pm »
Good news.
UPS tried to deliver the system today.

Bad news.
Nobody was around to sign for it, so it'll be another day until I have my 360. :(

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Re: My 360...
« Reply #22 on: December 10, 2008, 11:50:30 am »
Oh! Bad luck there. Hopefully ya get it back. But then you can't open it up until X-mas eve. Which is sad I guess.
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Offline Aitamen

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Re: My 360...
« Reply #23 on: December 10, 2008, 02:13:00 pm »
The idea of energetically waiting for an RRoD is bizarre to me. Oh well, as long as the 360 gets fixed, I guess.
It's a Microsoft-ism. Kind of like how MS has made people believe that it's normal for computers to crash randomly for no reason, and that reliable software can't be written.

Concur'd, GS...  It's somewhat depressing in that field, and that's why Linux exists...

now that I'm done with WoW (for months now...) I might get a Linux box, or make my older box into Linux (probably using it as a work-box)
Year 33 — The Malkavians claim that their greatest practical joke happened during this year, when they perform a bit of graverobbing  in Jerusalem.
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Re: My 360...
« Reply #24 on: December 14, 2008, 04:51:00 am »
this happened to my xbox recently i got the RROD very soon lines appeard on CoD WaW while playing online so i reset my console and boom RROD well E74 message.

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Offline Nario

Re: My 360...
« Reply #25 on: December 20, 2008, 06:41:45 am »
The idea of energetically waiting for an RRoD is bizarre to me. Oh well, as long as the 360 gets fixed, I guess.
It's a Microsoft-ism. Kind of like how MS has made people believe that it's normal for computers to crash randomly for no reason, and that reliable software can't be written.

Concur'd, GS...  It's somewhat depressing in that field, and that's why Linux exists...

now that I'm done with WoW (for months now...) I might get a Linux box, or make my older box into Linux (probably using it as a work-box)
Linux isn't perfect--no operating system is--but it's definitely going in a better direction than Microsoft is. Microsoft purposely makes defective products so we have to buy more of their stuff. For example: we've come to expect the blue screen of death when using a Windows OS, but sometimes the whole computer may just simply die. The sad reality of it all is how most of the PC games on the market are meant to be played only on Windows XP--some being made exclusively for the malicious Windows Vista--and so you're stuck with having to use something unreliable in order to game.

Of course, the same can be said of the Xbox 360. I would say that it has the most worthwhile software this generation, and yet the hardware is of the worst I've ever seen. What a disappointment. I hope M$'s next system isn't another bucket of fail.

Offline Aitamen

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Re: My 360...
« Reply #26 on: December 20, 2008, 07:39:03 pm »
The idea of energetically waiting for an RRoD is bizarre to me. Oh well, as long as the 360 gets fixed, I guess.
It's a Microsoft-ism. Kind of like how MS has made people believe that it's normal for computers to crash randomly for no reason, and that reliable software can't be written.

Concur'd, GS...  It's somewhat depressing in that field, and that's why Linux exists...

now that I'm done with WoW (for months now...) I might get a Linux box, or make my older box into Linux (probably using it as a work-box)
Linux isn't perfect--no operating system is--but it's definitely going in a better direction than Microsoft is. Microsoft purposely makes defective products so we have to buy more of their stuff. For example: we've come to expect the blue screen of death when using a Windows OS, but sometimes the whole computer may just simply die. The sad reality of it all is how most of the PC games on the market are meant to be played only on Windows XP--some being made exclusively for the malicious Windows Vista--and so you're stuck with having to use something unreliable in order to game.

Of course, the same can be said of the Xbox 360. I would say that it has the most worthwhile software this generation, and yet the hardware is of the worst I've ever seen. What a disappointment. I hope M$'s next system isn't another bucket of fail.

That was an epic rant... Regardless, Linux gives the user a ton more control over their system... There's so much I enjoyed in my brief time using Linux, and I fully intend to go back to it, at least with a single box
Year 33 — The Malkavians claim that their greatest practical joke happened during this year, when they perform a bit of graverobbing  in Jerusalem.
-- Vampire: The Masquerade

Offline Eis Makai

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Re: My 360...
« Reply #27 on: December 22, 2008, 01:48:05 pm »
The idea of energetically waiting for an RRoD is bizarre to me. Oh well, as long as the 360 gets fixed, I guess.
It's a Microsoft-ism. Kind of like how MS has made people believe that it's normal for computers to crash randomly for no reason, and that reliable software can't be written.

Concur'd, GS...  It's somewhat depressing in that field, and that's why Linux exists...

now that I'm done with WoW (for months now...) I might get a Linux box, or make my older box into Linux (probably using it as a work-box)
Linux isn't perfect--no operating system is--but it's definitely going in a better direction than Microsoft is. Microsoft purposely makes defective products so we have to buy more of their stuff. For example: we've come to expect the blue screen of death when using a Windows OS, but sometimes the whole computer may just simply die. The sad reality of it all is how most of the PC games on the market are meant to be played only on Windows XP--some being made exclusively for the malicious Windows Vista--and so you're stuck with having to use something unreliable in order to game.

Of course, the same can be said of the Xbox 360. I would say that it has the most worthwhile software this generation, and yet the hardware is of the worst I've ever seen. What a disappointment. I hope M$'s next system isn't another bucket of fail.

That was an epic rant... Regardless, Linux gives the user a ton more control over their system... There's so much I enjoyed in my brief time using Linux, and I fully intend to go back to it, at least with a single box

Let's see what about the new Windows Mojave. We can't forget about new ones. Isn't a Macintosh 11 coming out sometime in this winter?, and a new Linux browser?
Eis Makai is the Icy Coyote. Sumaru Star is the Ice Dragon. I own the Ice Planet!


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